World-Class LogicMonitor Services

We provide on-demand expertise to assist with LogicMonitor deployment and configuration. From training your staff to a fully-managed service, you’ll more quickly realize value from your LogicMonitor investment. Our decade of experience optimizing LogicMonitor and writing LogicModules means you can be confident your portal is secure and future-resilient.

World Class LogicMonitor Services

LogicMonitor Implementation

LogicMonitor is a powerful SaaS Observability platform.  But there is complexity to deploy at scale.  Panoramic Data have developed a unique methodology to ensure that each implementation delivers value quickly and sustainably.

Our expertise covers all aspects of LogicMonitor, including LM Logs, integrations, collectors, configuration and dashboarding.  With our implementation, we also include training for your team, and continued mentoring as you develop more effective skills.

LogicMonitor Integrations

The power of observability depends so much on having effective integrations.  This includes deploying LogicModules correctly, keeping them up-to-date, and also creating and configuring new LogicModules.  Our expertise in creating these custom adapters allows our customers to keep their observability in synch with their business.

But integrations is more than just collectors.  Often, connecting into ITSM tooling like ServiceNow or Connectwise is critical.  We provide expertise, not only in the standard adapters, but also in being able to integrate with any open system.  Our customers are not forced into difficult toolchain decisions because of incompatibility .. instead keeping the flexibility to choose and negotiate terms with a minimal cost of change.

LogicMonitor Reporting

Demonstrating effective observability presents certain challenges.  But with open APIs, the data can now be used to build reports automatically – which can then be sent direct to your customer or stakeholder.  Using a series of macros, a Microsoft Office template can be built which is then populated at your discretion. 

For one-off reports, we provide a library of templates that can be easily leveraged.  But reporting is often brand-critical, so full control over the content and presentation is needed.  Easily done, with reporting solutions that are leveraged by major LogicMonitor customers around the globe.

The LogicMonitor Healthcheck

Using decades of experience, and combined with our report automation know-how, Panoramic Data offer an automated LogicMonitor Healthcheck.  By simply providing an API key, and a few other basic details, this report can be delivered direct to your inbox for free!

The free Healthcheck identifies issues with your LogicMonitor instance, and enables corrective action to be planned.  We also provide a full Healthcheck service, leveraging a more detailed, comprehensive report, which will ensure your deployment remains fit-for-purpose for the months ahead. 

LogicMonitor - Open Source support

As a dedicated LogicMonitor partner, we have also developed an open source NuGet package, which is available for anyone to use.  This open-source package facilitates development using the LogicMonitor Rest API – so for any extensions or further work. 

We’re delighted to collaborate with some of the world’s largest LogicMonitor customers using this open-source approach.  You can find it (and a useful dotnet template) at:

LogicMonitor Superwidget

LogicMonitor dashboards and topologies can often be difficult to use for the purpose you want.  With this in mind, we have developed an innovative technique to turn Visio representations of your topologies and services into life!  Using ReportMagic, we can transform a simple diagramme into an actionable widget in LogicMonitor dashboards.

More to come on this – it’s a super-new topic for us, and we’re excited to bring it to the LogicMonitor community!

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